I now think I could already give Griffin a nickname, "karate kid!" I am telling ya that he kicks and punches me ALL the time now. It was so bad last night that he kept my up past midnight kicking me constantly. I guess that means I am going to have an active little man huh? :) I know that I will miss feeling him move around inside my belly once he is born, however right now all I can think is... 3 more months?!?!?
I am starting to get more uncomfortable with the addition of the larger belly. I have already noticed how it is harder to bend over and tie my shoes, lean across the sink to do the dishes and even just sit straight up. Sleeping at night has been an adventure as well b/c I just cant seem to get comfortable ha! Now enough with all of the realities in the negative.... he will be here in 83ish days!!! Holy cow that still shocks me every time that I think about it. I am a ton less stressed now that mom came and helped me get most of the nursery done, only a few more things and it will be complete! I have also been compiling a list of what momma wants to make for her little one, and made a trip to Joann's today for some new fabrics. I am not going to let myself get overwhelmed with it all b/c there are SO many things I could make him AND I know that just b/c he is born that doesnt mean I cant make more things later. Honestly I will learn so much more once I am a real mom as to what I really need/want... so maybe I should wait. Nah.. I can learn from him and then know for the other Isham kiddos :)
Our ultrasound that we were supposed to do when Mom, Mimi and Rachel were in town got cancelled so we were bummed about that for sure. BUT... we do get to do a 4D on my birthday and I couldnt be more excited now. I cant wait to see what his precious little face looks like!
By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of his head to his heels. He can blink his eyes, which now sport lashes. With his eyesight developing, he may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. He's also developing billions of neurons in his brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.
I am starting to get more uncomfortable with the addition of the larger belly. I have already noticed how it is harder to bend over and tie my shoes, lean across the sink to do the dishes and even just sit straight up. Sleeping at night has been an adventure as well b/c I just cant seem to get comfortable ha! Now enough with all of the realities in the negative.... he will be here in 83ish days!!! Holy cow that still shocks me every time that I think about it. I am a ton less stressed now that mom came and helped me get most of the nursery done, only a few more things and it will be complete! I have also been compiling a list of what momma wants to make for her little one, and made a trip to Joann's today for some new fabrics. I am not going to let myself get overwhelmed with it all b/c there are SO many things I could make him AND I know that just b/c he is born that doesnt mean I cant make more things later. Honestly I will learn so much more once I am a real mom as to what I really need/want... so maybe I should wait. Nah.. I can learn from him and then know for the other Isham kiddos :)
Our ultrasound that we were supposed to do when Mom, Mimi and Rachel were in town got cancelled so we were bummed about that for sure. BUT... we do get to do a 4D on my birthday and I couldnt be more excited now. I cant wait to see what his precious little face looks like!
Sounds like you may have your hands full!! That's awesome, to know that there's a little life forming in there. To wonder what he will look like, how he will act. I pray that you all continue in your good health and blessing of the knowledge of the Truth. God bless
Anthony and the Keller Clan
your belly is growing and you are looking good!! not much longer till griffin will be here-i cant wait to see him! love all the updates-the blog, nursery, bathroom, etc-everything looks awesome! you are sooo prepared! i am amazed! love ya
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