
Primetimers go to Myrtle Beach

We were THRILLED to get invited to go on the Primetime Christmas trip to Myrtle beach with our church! Griffin was excited to see "the beach!"
taking a ride

He LOVED riding on their bus

Mr. Cheese!

We went to see Christmas on Ice the first night and I was shocked at how well Griffin did. He just sat and watched intentely, even WAY past his bedtime!

Look Mom! I found my pockets :)

sitting in his big boy seat

We took a morning to go down and enjoy the beach. I have never been to the beach in winter months and it was definitely quite different! Funny thing about this picture is that he posed and said, "Cheese" insinuating that he wanted me to take it for him :)

bundled up beach babe!

learning how to fly a kite!

family shot.. boy was it COLD!

We went from one weather extreme to the other... now swimming!

It was very cold water but once they got in and swam around some they got used to it ha! Griffin LOVED this time with Daddy :)


Daddy and his boy

We went to the Caroline Opry for another Christmas show and during intermission I took Griffin out in the lobby for some photo ops. He posed as usual :)

wasnt so sure about the Nutcracker but he is FAR better than that Santa guy

We had such a great time!!

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