
Successful Bipass

After a 10 hours of waiting in the ICU waiting room, we got word that Potts surgery was a success. They took him back at 10:30 this morning but could not get started right away as the surgeon had to work with the patient before Potts a little longer than he had though b/c the patient had serious complications. They did end up bipassing his 4 main arteries and they had to take the main vein out of his leg to use for the bipass. I am telling you what, I have learned so much in the past few days about this procedure and it truly is amazing. They had to cut open his chest, crack open his ribs to reach his heart, stop his heart and lungs, replace the arteries, then start his body back again to functioning on its own. His body went on what they call "bipass" which meant the machines were breathing for him and making everything work while his heart was taken out. It is crazy to me to think of the first man who ever thought to do this, but oh how thankful I am that they did. AND that it is just like an everyday procedure nowdays too. WOW!

Potts will have a 2 month recovery period were he will have to go to rehab, will not be able to drive, and will have to change his eating habits. He of course will be soar in his leg and chest where he was cut open. Please continue to pray for him through this healing process; for strength, endurance, patience and understanding as life for him will not be the same as it was before. Please also continue to pray for his blood pressure to regulate, as it has stayed high the last few weeks and is still now after surgery.

We do not overlook God's hand of protection on our family. We know that it was His timing and in His perfect plan that all of this has happened. We also know that God will be able to use this circumstance for His glory and we are thankful that He chose to use us. Potts is a faithful follower of Jesus and there is no doubt that He was holding his hand today.

Thank you again for everyone's prayers and words of encouragement. I am overwhelmed by the amount of love that I have felt from so many in the last several days.


Anonymous said...

Hey! I am glad his surgery went well. Just wanted to let you know that we're praying for you and your family. Hope to see you soon. Many Blessings!

Tara said...

Praise the Lord that the bypass went well. And I amen what you said about whoever invented such an incredible procedure- My grandpa had 5-bypass surgery about 9 years ago, and is doing well. I hope and pray the same for Potts!

The Rue Family said...

Praise God! I am so happy that everything went well! My uncle went thru the same thing twice and is doing so much better now! It truly is amazing what they can do now! Love ya and love Potts 2!

Tara said...

We are so relieved to hear this! I know Jerry will be back to his good ole' self in no time! I was so glad to see you all last night! We had a blast catching up with everyone and I cant wait to see the million pictures that you all took!