Hey friends and family! It is about 9:30 and I am back at my mom's house now. JR and I arrived at the hospital at 5:00 and what a joy it was to see my Potts' smile when I walked in the door and you better believe I hugged him like I have never hugged before. He has had a long day no doubt but we are all so very thankful for God's perfect timing. He was scheduled for a heart catherization today (something he has had before) so they could check and see how things were going with his arteries. The cardiologist doctor found major blockage in all of his arteries and called in the surgeon. Once the surgeon got in to look at the test he also agreed that open heart surgery was definitely needed. Right now they are looking at a triple bipass surgery and possibly even doing one on all 4 of his main arteries to his heart. The doctors are going to converse again tomorrow and will set the surgery time then. It was orginally planned for today at 5, but once the 2nd doctor came in and saw the tests, he said he needed some clarification on some things before he felt comfortable going into surgery. Above all God is faithful and Potts is doing well. He of course has some anxiety about the surgery tomorrow so please just pray that his fears will be calmed. My Mimi is holding up well also, despite having bad news that she wasnt expecting to hear at her today about her soul mate. Good news is God's timing is always perfect, and in this instance if Potts had not been at the hospital today when he was, the doctors said he could have had a massive heart attack at any time.
I am so thankful that I was able to be here with him during this time. When I first heard the news today and they were uncertain of his exact condition, I really was so afraid that he was going to leave me. He and Mimi kept saying over and over how glad they were that we are home. I told them that everyone I knew from TN, NC, GA, etc was praying for them and they sincerly appreciate them all! I thank you as well and can honestly say that God used each of you to hold me today when my heart was hurting so badly. I love you all and will keep you updated! Keep praying for Potts, if you know him at all you know he is a fighter :) I know he has always been ready to go to heaven and meet Jesus, but I selfishly am just not ready to let go yet...
I am so thankful that I was able to be here with him during this time. When I first heard the news today and they were uncertain of his exact condition, I really was so afraid that he was going to leave me. He and Mimi kept saying over and over how glad they were that we are home. I told them that everyone I knew from TN, NC, GA, etc was praying for them and they sincerly appreciate them all! I thank you as well and can honestly say that God used each of you to hold me today when my heart was hurting so badly. I love you all and will keep you updated! Keep praying for Potts, if you know him at all you know he is a fighter :) I know he has always been ready to go to heaven and meet Jesus, but I selfishly am just not ready to let go yet...
just wanted to let you know that we are praying!!! Keep us updated!! Let me know if you need anything!
We are praying for you all Lindsey!
I know that it is diffcult to see a grandparent in such pain. My grandmother has been through open-heart surgery before and now is back to yoga. My heart goes out to you and your family during this time of uncertain moments. Trust in the lord and he will heal those we truly love. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please tell Mimi that we love her as well.
Hey Lindsey,
I have been missing you and didn't know until just now you are out of town.
Please know Jay and I will have you, JR, Potts, family, and doctors in our prayers.
We can all be so very thankful that God is in control and we can accept His perfect timing on everything.
Love you,
Kim and Jay
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