
The day that changed our lives forever....

Today mark the 2 year anniversary to the day we found out we were going to have a baby, August 14, 2008. I would never guess that two years later we could love someone the way we do now. When I watch this video, I can not doubt that we knew a lot would change, however we honestly had no clue! The excitement was overwelming to find out we would be parents... but what did being parents really mean?

We of course do not know everything when it comes to being parents, but we now understand that immediate, unconditioanly love. Ah.... these past 2 years having taught us so much and grown our love for one another even more. I cant help but think of the song, "And I thought I loved you then."

And to think we are about to go through this all over again with baby #2. HOORAY :)

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