My stomach was in so many knots the week leading up and I dont think I slept a solid hour the night before just thinking about it. Saturday morning we woke up at 3:45am to drive to Nashville so we could be there by 6:00 since the race started at 7:00am.
We were so grateful to have my Dad and Sue come and watch Griffin for us! They were great cheerleaders too :)
And I simply cant say enough about this picture! First of all yes I got this off the website but we do plan to buy it soon ha. This was our team though, me, JR and Phillip. These two were absolutely amazing encouragers along the way and I have NO doubt that I would not have finished if it wasnt for them. They both are better runners than me and can run faster than me, but they promised to run right at my pace and help me get through it because this was my thing and they just wanted to see me do it. Are they not the sweetest?!?!
The celebration lunch with our medals on at Hard Rock Cafe. And that little man with us... simply put- my reason for running! I have never challenged myself like that before and it was so rewarding to be able to say I DID IT!!! I want nothing more than our sweet boy to learn to challenge himself along his life too. Just when life gets tough for him I will now be able to look at him and tell him about this experience for me and challenge him to push through just like I did. It was a great life lesson!
The race proved to be as tough as I thought it would be. Nashville was VERY hilly and we had not trained with inclines at all. The most we had ran before this was 10 miles and those last 3 added were gruelling! Whew... but we did it :)
And I think he was proud of his Mommy, Daddy and Uncle Phil :)
So proud of you! You are no doubt, proud of yourself as well you should be!!! Cute photos with little Griffin too!
You should be so proud of yourself. I cant say enough about the sense of accomplishment that I had when I finished. After 4 months of training, I thought the race would never get here. That day I had such adrenaline and the crowd and my running partners really pushed me through. Congrats! I know Griffin is proud as well!
I love this Lindsey! Just today a colleague asked me to go running and i was like- no way, i am not a runner! How inspiring. Maybe i'll train for the next 5k. =) Congrats!
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