
Being a mom...

I feel like I have really been neglecting this blog the last 3 months, between updating Griffin's daily blog for him and sitting around holding and playing with him in most of my freetime now days.. there is just not as much time as there used to be :)

I do want to take a minute to share about how my life as a mom has been so far. From the second I looked into that little boys eyes, I was in love. I have always been a lover of babies and children but there is just nothing like having your very own. He makes me smile SO much and there is not an hour that goes by that I dont feel the need to just hug and kiss him to death. It is amazing the kind of love that comes with having a child... truly like nothing else I have experienced. So instant and so much to give that you feel like you just cant give enough.

I have LOVED being at home with my little man! I am so very blessed to be able to stay home and really couldnt imagine having to go back and be without him. He changes every day! I sincerely feel for all the moms out there that do have to go back- I cant imagine how hard it is for you!

Every week it seems as if he is doing something new and it is amazing how I get so excited over the little things that each day brings. A new coo sound, watching him learn to play, seeing him find his hands and just learn something about the world new every day. He has definitely made me learn to love the small things in life and I has slowed my life down too, in a very good way! There are days that I will look up and its already 4pm.. and I think wow what have I done all day ha?

I love the way he looks around the room to find me, when he smiles when he sees me and when he babbles to try and talk to me. I would say he is definitely a Momma's boy for sure and I am loving every minute of the special bond that we have.

The hardest thing so far has been both the lack of sleep and the adjustment to the new 3 hour routine that my life has. For some reason the sleep deprivation did not really hit me until about month 2. I guess I was going on pure adrenaline before then and thankfully God gives you the strength to go on lack of sleep. Now we are up normally twice a night so I am getting more sleep, however all the loss of sleep is finally catching up with me ha! Breastfeeding really has been a blessing too, but the bad part is the every 3 hour schedule. If I want to do anything during the day I always have to make plans around eating times and at first it was hard to do because it seemed as soon as I was done feeding it was time to do it again ha! But it has gotten a lot better recently and being able to pump to have a bottle has helped tremendously!

I could really go on and on and on because it truly is that amazing but I will save it for another time so I can post again.

Hope all my blogging friends are doing well!! And if you ever think that I have fallen out of the blogging world just check my son's blog.. Ill be there :) www.griffinjonah.blogspot.com

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