to say the least ha!!! And who wouldnt be in awe with a face like that. We got to spend most of the day with Tristan on Friday, and even took him to Cracker Barrel (Uncle JR's favorite place). He completely stole our hearts for sure.. and we could not stop staring at him. I swear we all were just looking at him for like an hour, mesmerized by how amazing it was that he was finally here and just perfect. Since JC had to work Friday, we went back on Sunday to see him and of course were not upset to be seeing Tristan again so soon. I will have to say that I had to fight JR to hold him the whole time. He was so cute and kept saying, "I think he really likes me!" :)
We took about 200 pictures (OF COURSE) and these are just a few of my favs. You can see them all by clicking

Little man himself... 3 weeks old!

so happy to be meeting our nephew!

meeting uncle JR for the first time

sweet kisses

JR was loving him sleeping on his chest

I am in my prime for sure!!!

stagged yes, but how cute. and even cuter that Phil was so innocent and wasnt sure what to do when he started crying with him :)

the Isham boys

mom, dad, and proud aunt and uncles

JC, Leann and Tristan
Yes girl. You need to make some shoes for that cute baby. Go to that Stardust website in the blog (you can click on it from my page) and then in the right hand column she has "Cloth Baby Shoes" click on it and the pattern is a PDF. Have fun, post a picture if you make them.
He is just precious Linds!!! :-)
(hey..nice shirt! hahaaha!)
So, when is the next Isham baby coming...I know it had to make JR at least give it a second thought! Love ya girl!
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