
Ever thought about the big picture?

Often times I forget how big God is and so I was thankful to be reminded again in Sunday School this past week. JR took our group to this great video of Louie Giglio's explanation of "How great is our God." I had seen it once before at a friend's house, however it still amazed me even the same to hear it again. I really encourage you to find about 45 minutes of your time to sit and watch these videos. They will drastically change your view of the big picture.... what life is truly about.. when you can begin to see truly how big God is. I really dont even get into science and astronomy all that much.. but this makes me want to learn more for sure!

link to part 1
link to part 2
link to part 3
link to part 4
link to part 5

As I have been going through this whole pregnancy process, I have began seeing God in a new light as the Creator. It amazes me every second that He is growing another human being INSIDE OF ME!!! And when I get caught up in the small mundane things that trouble me so much or seem SO big... I am reminded to stop and think about how small I am in comparison to the God who loves me. He is not only in control of every thing that happens to me, but He is able to see the bigger picture, that He created for His own glory.

This makes me stop stressing about all the small stuff :)


The Walker Family said...

Isn't laminin amaaaazing!?! I love that video. I know I'd lose it if I watched it again.

Thanks for sharing that reminder!!

Anonymous said...

Amen,Amen,Amen sister! How great is Our God! Just this morning I was staring at Lily in complete and utter amazement...Only HE!
Love you,
Jordan and Lily

Steph Gentry said...

Are you talking about the Indescribable dvd? I bought that a few weeks ago. Denira, Bobby, and I got to see him preach a bit of it at a conference a few years back.