
First family visit

This weekend was extra special... it was the first time Dad, Sue and Mason came to visit our new home in NC. We had the chance to share our friends with them, as well as some of our favorite things to do. Saturday afternoon (after my sweeties homemade pancakes) we went to the park close to our house and played softball with Richmond, Elizabeth, Michael and Jordan. After I proved that I still have some softball skill (which have faded way faster than i had hoped!) we all came back to the house for lunch and then an always fun game of turbo cranium. It was neat to let our family meet our dearest friends here and see what life is like in Wake Forest. We also gave them a tour of campus and around downtown. Then we went out to eat at Olive Garden for my birthday. I loved having the opportunity to share what God has been doing in our lives here and letting them see that even though we are 6 hours away now, it truly is where God wants us to be. I am a very blessed 24 year old. Wow, I am getting up there :) Isnt my little (well actually he is about a head taller than me now) bro so cute. He got his letterman jacket as a freshman... he is extra special. Sue got me a birthday present to remind me where my home is. I will have to say, there is no doubt i will ever forget where I am from so you dont have to worry!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah cant lie! I am pretty cute! Hope ur doing well, love ya- ur extra special lil bro.